Does Black Pearl Work For Women Im I Stealing The Title "The Midnight Pearl" From This Woman?

Im i stealing the title "The Midnight Pearl" from this woman? - does black pearl work for women

I've recently finished a book, and I want to ask at midnight of the Pearl, but many people on Yahoo Answers said Pearl Midnight sounded better. The thing is, I think, unless there is another book titled "Midnight Pearls" When I looked up. How to steal the title of the author? I also thought about the summer or summer Eve Pearl Coz the book, both the theory of things in it!

Description (very small)
His story of a girl who receives a magical pearl, on the eve of Saint John and at midnight, so that when danger is near always black pearl!

Please help!


kwflamin... said...

No, do not fly - there are many, many books out there on the track - some even with the same title.
PS - I answered your question yesterday on the title.

Azriel {Crivens!!} said...

It's nice to be the same title as another book to have. This happens all the time. If you have a title you want to do it.
I would say that the only reason not to use the same title as a book is whether it is popular. People may assume that you copy the book or your book is about the same as the famous with the same title.

Nicc said...


I really like was the pearl, and I do not recommend others use the title in another book.

Nicc said...


I really like was the pearl, and I do not recommend others use the title in another book.

cathrl69 said...

Securities may not be possessed) (or stolen - you know how many novels are called Twilight?

But if there is no possibility of confusion, I would avoid duplication of evidence.

Laheira2 said...

The securities are not subject to the trademark.

Panama Joe said...

The securities may not be archived, then go ahead.

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