Exit Light In A Pair Of Binoculars, Is There A Way To Get More Light Through The Same Sized Exit Pupil?

In a pair of binoculars, is there a way to get more light through the same sized exit pupil? - exit light

The diameter of the exit pupil is typically by receiving the diameter of the lens by the power of the device. But a way must be found to get more light through the instrument without the diameter of the exit pupil. Perhaps a tool for optical pre-amplifier, resulting in a larger goal, the students on the target has spent his binoculars feeds?

Is there a program? Would it be possible to make such an instrument?


gn said...

I3 eyepiece is used in astronomical telescopes in the courtyard. It is basically a real-time imaging CCD is more sensitive than the eye, has sold nearly 2 large. Can not be used during the day because they are too sensitive. Perhaps a new version for the day could be used. In any case, these eyepieces (see link) has improved significantly in locating astronomical binoculars weak fallen object. It would be a combination of expensive, but worth a try. Technically, it is not "more light", but a strong increase in the efficiency of the light that is already there, and that is the same.

As with conventional optics, the exit pupil is a simple reason. 10x40 binoculars give an exit pupil 4 mm, or 40 divided by 10. This would also 20x80 binoculars exit pupil 4 mm. It now has more than doubled the collection of light (by PI-R-squared objective in the area) and twice as much electricity, but the exit pupil is the same. That is do you need more light and the pupils of the same size output corresponds.

LooKED 10x40 are usually twice the opening of the 5x20, which also generally available as pocket binoculars or a telescope.

My answer is:

1. Yes, the improvement of the optical image is already on the market for specialized applications.
2. Without can mail, you get more light through the same size exit pupil through an extension to cope with the diameter of the objective and the ratio of students to be maintained. 5x20, 10x40 and 20x80 are on the market and all have the same exit pupil 4 mm. Binoculars.com try to see what is available.

If you (think change aperture and increases the exit pupil to continue its expansion) as in the above three examples. So the glasses are more difficult to keep stable and use a tripod. The difficulties in maintaining the balance of binoculars is one reason that manufacturers tend to his time with the exit pupil (expansion) waste.

Hope that helps,


Larry G said...

The answer to your question is "No!"

His idea of a preamplifier is interesting, but also to the reality of the optics.

Suppose you had a target of 100 cm, with an exit pupil of 2 inches. This would mean that the preamp working "at 50x. If you have a 10x50mm Telescope (binoculars), behind the preamplifier, which have an exit pupil of only 5 mm, but the expansion of the system up to 500 times pushed!

However photomultiplier used for years been taken to increase the amplification of light with a certain level of noise. A better solution would be for a broadband (visible spectrum), laser (light amplification by stimulated emission of radiation will increase) to the photons in the reality of their individual wavelengths. Unfortunately, such a creature is at the moment.

Irv S said...

Not without the magnification.
If it raises a pre-amp "with a broader objective
In addition, changing the extension of the
whole good system?
Mind better than we have attempted to
so for many years, and the best solution we have
The system displays the image is amplified.

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