Red Palms More Condition_symptoms Red Palms?

Red palms? - red palms more condition_symptoms

I'd have red palms for several years, I have the normal White Palms, he then changed to red. Sometimes bite, but no points or so. Drs are confused and have everything under the sun trying. I'm tired, everyone has the same problem and had to be healed? IN health, especially, well, I eat well and exercise, and I am in very good shape, so that my hands and arms and shoulders, and most of my back and chest are blue under UV light. If it helps, I would appreciate any advice SMART.


acornful... said...

I think the Red Palm itch is a symptom of the need for more magnesium.
Good sources of magnesium are whole grains, nuts, soy, avocado, beans, corn, lemons and green leafy vegetables, like magnesium is the green pigment chlorophyll. The meat is rich in magnesium, but it also contains calcium, phosphorus and proteins that reduce the amount of magnesium available. Refined flour, rice polishing, extraction of sugar from molasses and other methods of food processing to remove almost all the magnesium from these foods. The modern food production, the average magnesium intake of 400 mg reduced to 300 per day for the past 70 years.

Drinking water is an important source of magnesium, especially in areas with hard water and is generally better absorbed than magnesium in the diet

These are the daily requirements of magnesium:
1-3 years: 80 mg
4-8 years: 130 mg
9-13 years: 240 mg
14-18 years (boys): 410 mg
14-18 years (girls): 360 mg
Adult women: 310 mg
Pregnancy: 360-400 mg
Breastfeeding women: 320-360 mg
Adult males: 400 milligrams

Zinc is an essential mineral for healthy skin.

MenifeeM... said...

You may need to see a dermatologist. He could not say whether the problem is linked to the skin, or if you consult a specialist in internal medicine or a cardiologist.

Good luck!

MenifeeM... said...

You may need to see a dermatologist. He could not say whether the problem is linked to the skin, or if you consult a specialist in internal medicine or a cardiologist.

Good luck!

scorpang... said...

. Avoid lotions and soaps that alcohol in which they have a drying effect, so start reading labels

Val b said...

Too much blood hemoglobin ..........

michaels... said...

Try an antihistamine such as Benadryl, sounds like a reaction to something. Perhaps the detergent, fabric softener, perhaps.

Kelly V said...

sounds like an allergy to something that affects .. take Benadryl

Tina F said...

After the heart and blood pressure.

Jo said...

I have red palms, too, but do not bite causes no harm and leave me alone. Mine just tend to sweat a lot, however.

emortalw... said...

If you work, the issue of verification of work each day, or at least those who have used every week. His touch is something that causes irritation. Can I use your bath soap or lotion.

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